Raton Talukder

Project Home of Hope

Age 14

Birthday 2009-07-08

Gender Male

My Life My father died in an accident and my mother worked in the garment industry. Her income wasn't enough to provide for me, so I was brought to the Home of Hope. I am described as respectful, helpful, and kind. I enjoy playing soccer and playing the drums. My favorite foods are beef and ice cream.

Sponsorship involves two elements: Home Life ($40/month) provides all of a child's daily needs, including food, clothing, healthcare, home, and Christian caregivers. Academic ($25/month) includes school supplies, tuition, uniform, and instruction provided by Christian teachers.

Interested In Current Sponsorship Opportunities?
Here are some of our sponsorships in need:

Saimon Tripura

Days Waiting: 254

Age: 17


Rittika Bairagi

Days Waiting: 53

Age: 6


Ponuel Akka

Days Waiting: 251

Age: 17


Shaishab Rozario

Days Waiting: 149

Age: 12


Hope Generation

P.O. Box 493352
Redding, CA 96049

[email protected]

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